The home service as a patriotic NGO

Austria's largest non-party patriotic citizens' initiative

Donate, Donate, Donate! But for whom?

The friends and supporters of the Carinthian home service, mostly yes as inclined readers of the “Carinthian”, are again and again, also in this edition, confronted with calls for donations (see below on the page). In our case it means donations in general for the work of the homeland service. Or donate to the Carpathian Germans, whose children we want to invite to Carinthia after the Ukraine war. Or even donations for the victims of the disaster in the Carinthian valley. At some point, even the extremely idealistic and helpful supporter of the Heimatdienst may feel uncomfortable. Especially then, although he is confronted with numerous other appeals for donations.
There is the extremely important and (maybe not so much in the case of Corona) meritorious Red Cross, that calls for donations. Then there are organizations like “Neighbors in Need”, "Amnesty International" and of course the countless politically correct NGOs like "Doctors Without Borders" and the like, who have dedicated themselves to the welcoming culture and the admission of as many asylum seekers as possible and similar contemporary concerns.
They all want donations and more donations. Many of them have fairly clearly recognizable political goals and can also be assigned more or less clearly to political groups or parties. The politically correct ones, NGOs of the supposedly progressive civil society committed to the left zeitgeist usually have the Greens or other left-wing groups in the background. Calls for donations for election campaigns - such as now before the presidential election - are of course clearly political, or assigned personally.
We, than the representatives of the Carinthian homeland service, strive, to act absolutely impartially in our work. We have Carinthian patriots from all political camps, from all generations and of course also from both ethnic groups of the country are welcome. It is the goal of our work and that of our fundraisers, to serve the concerns of Carinthia and the Carinthians within the scope of our modest possibilities. In addition, we are supporting old Austrian, German-speaking minorities on the territory of the former Habsburg monarchy.
From some organizations, who call for donations, heard, that the administrative apparatus and the functionaries devour the lion's share of the donations with their expenses. At the Carinthian home service, the officials work on an absolutely voluntary basis and the administrative apparatus is as lean as it could not be leaner. And besides, we try, Conduct fundraisers with specific, manageable and achievable goals, as this time in the case of the Carinthian area valley, where, with your support, we want to support the renovation of the sports field for the Gegental children, which was destroyed by mudslide.
In principle, however, every donation made by the donor is something like a declaration of support for the work and goals of the fundraising association.
In our case, this is patriotic work and these are patriotic goals, which we want to realize with the help of your donations.


We need your donation

Every euro strengthens our cause in Carinthia!
The Carinthian Home Service has not received any state subsidies for many years. This is a big problem, even if the costly information work is largely carried out on a voluntary basis.

The non-partisan information work valued by tens of thousands of sympathizers for more than half a century, in particular peace, which is undoubtedly in the interest of the state of Carinthia and which has also been internationally recognized in Carinthia with the Culture Prize of the City of Villach and with the European Citizens' Prize- and communication work of the KHD must therefore be almost entirely covered by donations and other private donations from our sponsors.

We already have to draw on reserves to cover constantly rising costs.

Although we don't pay author royalties, Since the death of a number of generous donors, we have been able to finance our newspaper "Der Kärntner" (despite reduction of the addressed print run to approx 10.000) no longer cover with the current donations.
We have therefore been forced for several years, fall back on reserves from an inheritance that we received years ago, which understandably cannot be possible in the long run.
Nevertheless, we do not want to reduce the wide range of our information work if possible. We still want thousands of Carinthians, and meanwhile about the same number of sympathizers throughout Austria are constantly informed. Therefore, we do not want to charge a fixed newspaper fee in the future either and would like to stick to the principle of voluntary donations.

With a one-off donation, you can ensure that you continue to receive our newspaper.
It is at your own discretion, what contribution you donate to us.
Every euro counts.

And please keep that in mind: Our goal is not only to secure our work for Carinthia and Austria to the same extent as before, but to expand further with your help.

Thank you to all of our sponsors,
who have often made our work possible for many years with the ongoing transfer of larger amounts. We combine this thanks with a request, continue to help us.

donation account: Raiffeisen Landesbank Carinthia
IBAN: AT66 3900 0000 0100 3250
Regarding: KHD-Spend

Donate for the children of the neighboring valley

Home service help for Gegentaler disaster victims

A few weeks ago, the Carinthian area valley, the parishes of Arriach and Treffen, Victim of a massive natural disaster. Hours of cloudbursts caused mudslides and mudslides, which devastated everything except for the Treffner Feld at the Villach motorway junction.
There is a real avalanche of willingness to help and the disaster fund helps with the most severe damage, However, most of the victims of the mudslide receive only a fraction of the costs actually caused by the insurance company. Houses there are uninhabitable, Roads were torn down and whole villages were destroyed. Among other things, the sports field of the market town of Treffen, where the children from the surrounding valley played football and trained regularly as part of the FC meetings.
Now the Carinthian Home Service and the donors supporting it can undoubtedly only provide modest help in view of the enormous dimensions of the catastrophe. But we are able, to make a contribution that should not be underestimated in the restoration of this catastrophically muddy and mud-covered sports field for the Geländetal children. And that's what we want to do.
If you put the note “Kärntner Heimat-Hilfe” on your donation payment slip, we will match these donations from homeland service funds. At the beginning of the coming school year, we will then meet the donation amount with the president of the FC, Contractor Erwin Schoenett, follow and report about it in the "Carinthian" and also in the other Carinthian media.

We help to restore the Treffner sports field!

donation account: Raiffeisen Landesbank Carinthia
IBAN: AT66 3900 0000 0100 3250
Regarding: Donation area

The war has come back to Europe - Donate for German children in Ukraine

Ukraine has become a battlefield. Galicia, the Carpathian Ukraine, Bukovina once belonged to the Habsburg monarchy, today they are Ukrainian territory and a theater of war. In Carpathian Ukraine, which is hardly further away from Vienna than Carinthia, there is still a small remaining German minority. Old Austrian native German speaker, Carpathian Germans! The Carinthian homeland service now wants to take care of them more as part of its peace work.
In the past few years, the Carinthian Homeland Service has supported groups of German mother tongues in the old Austrians. Whether in today's Slovenia, neighboring Friuli or in the more distant Czech Republic, the Carinthian homeland service has always supported German-speaking old Austrians. Now because of the current war events we want the small Carpathian German minority, also old Austrians, support. In the villages around Mukachevo/Munkatsch still survive 3.000 Deutsche, many older people, but also young families with children, mostly in extremely modest circumstances. And they try, the German culture, to preserve the German language and the old Austrian mentality. They need help especially in the days of war.
With your help, we want to invite the children of this old Austrian ethnic group to come to Carinthia for relaxation next summer – if the events of the war allow it.
This will only be the start of a long-term planned support of the old Austrian ethnic group with German mother tongue in the Carpathian Ukraine. To, dear readers, dear friends of the Carinthian home service, we need your commitment and your donation.

Choose one of the books or a DVD from the KHD shop (See page 2; every donor can get their book/DVD from the KHD office in Klagenfurt, Prinzhoferstraße 8, collect).

Help the German children in Ukraine, support the work of the KHD.

donation account: Raiffeisen Landesbank Carinthia
IBAN: AT66 3900 0000 0100 3250
Regarding: Donation Ukraine

Image rights:

Hit the sports ground: Private;
Ukraine (v.l.n.r.): Wikipedia/Duty/CC BY-SA 4.0;
Wikipedia/Günther Krämer/CC BY 3.0;

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